Tennis Academy
One player-one family-one project
Learn from the champions, but don’t copy!
We would like to help you find your way to success. It is great to have a dream, but more realistic to have a goal. In other words a dream with a date. By combining passion, knowledge, experience and achievements, we can organise and help structure your optimal path to success, in particular in relation to your family goals, so you can reach your maximum potential. From the very beginning, we would like to create an environment of player, coach and parents which is supportive, and where each party understands their purpose and place within the system.
It is essential to be guided and advised as a unique individual, in a way that fits each and every person’s needs and goals. Short-term results are important only if and when they are consistent with a long-term development project.
We believe the application of the concept “ONE PLAYER, ONE FAMILY, ONE PROJECT” is the optimal way to structure and carry out what it takes to give a player the best chance to succeed.
You are a unique individual who deserves specific guidance according to your needs and situation.
With targeted and mutually agreed priorities, we will guide your development in a logical and methodical way.
Tactics-driven technical development through Nonlinear pedagogy supported by the Dynamic Systems Motor Learning Theory are all important components of our methodology.
A holistic approach makes our Tennis Talents hotbeds the ideal environment for young tennis players who have the ambition to reach a high level of performance.