Professional career

Professional career

Tennis as a job

If your progress brings encouraging results, you will have the opportunity to play against the best in the world, first at junior levels, and later even in adult Grand Slam tournaments. Achieving this requires consistently well-above-average performance, which we believe can be achieved by developing the following pillars of your game:

High Performance Program

The High-Performance Program represents a path to attaining the highest possible level for a given player. Overall topics for long-term development and an optimal improvement path are based on age and ability in the given moment, and consider the following factors:

  • mental
  • physical
  • tactical
  • technical
  • external factors


The High-Performance Program aims to target a pro career or university scholarship. There are a number of aspects and requirements to consider:

  • high-quality training work
  • strictly following the plan and the goal
  • the right combination of individual and group/sparring sessions
  • physical and mental training based on age and needs
  • determination to make the changes needed to improve (technically, physically, tactically and mentally, as well as in terms of planning and logistics).

 What does practice mean?

Training is a systematic process aiming to improve and/or consolidate skills:

  • It has to be organized around a PROJECT, which sets PLAYER/FAMILY GOALS
  • Following a coherent path of practice and competitions
  • Periodical check points